


Pixel & Grain is my YouTube Channel where I explore different avenues of photography, cinematography and other means of visual story telling.

Whether discovering an old film development technique found in a forgotten magazine from the 80’s. Or 3D printing a panoramic back for a Large Format camera. I experiment, learn and collaborate with friends along the way.

Join me on hikes and camping trips, develop images in my dark room, and learn how to dispose of chemicals safely & legally.

What started it all?

One of my passions outside of photography is hiking and exploring far off remote parts of the world. As far as I’m concerned, the further from the beaten track the better for me.

Thankfully my passion for hiking neatly fits alongside my other passion… Photography (even if it is a 40 year old hefty medium format camera).

The film to the left is the story of such an adventure. I was tired of seeing the mountains of the Cairngorms in Scotland from the road or just out of reach from a day hike.

I set in motion a plan that would end up spanning nearly 3 years where the journey to complete the trip became as much of a part of the story as the photographs themselves.

The question is, was it all worth it?

To document that process led to the creation of Pixel & Grain of which has evolved into much greater venture than the visions of that first video.

Where is It now?

As a photographer working full time, finding the time to create content is difficult. I promised myself that I would never post content that would waste someone’s time or post something that I wasn’t truly happy with.

While I’d love to spend more time on Pixel & Grain, the reality is this project as a whole is a slow burn. It’s something that I want to be proud of and build naturally, not by chasing fads and trends.

Please check out my videos and consider subscribing. It shows me that people are watching and support the content. In time the channel will be populated with the vast amounts of interesting videos I have swimming around in my head.

Thanks a lot!